Monday, October 29, 2007 @ Monday, October 29, 2007
Jus find this and i find some of the factor simple out of way ...LOL
POST (govt should prosecute gays and lesbians and promote a healthy lifestyle)
Time for the Singapore elected government to catch men in the act of having sex with men, and for women having sex with women. For once, the govt should promote healthy life-style and forget attracting foreign homosexuals and lesbians talents by changing our laws
POST (We don’t want to see gay men and lesbians kissing in the streets)
Once we allow the gays & lesbians to show themselves, you will see gays & lesbians holding hands and kissing on the street. I believe that is something that we will never want to see. It just disgusts me. I will want my future children to live in a proper place where they know that being gays and lesbians is not normal and it is something that no one should do.
POST (Repeal is first step to trampling majority)
Repealing s377A is first step to trampling of majority's view, gay marriages, child adoptions, sexual groomings, public display of vulgarity and litigations against religious institutions and others who do not subscribe to their whims and fancies on ground of discrimination. It will lead to destruction of core family values and schism of our multi-cultural and multi-religious society.
POST (377A an important symbol)
The time for a silent majority must end; and where the majority speaks, the government must listen. Both sides have spoken, and while those who argue for its repeal believe they have the superior intellectual ground, they fail to realise the potential significance of the actual repeal of 377A. 377A is no longer a mere statute; but a symbolic stand which the government should continue to keep. Do we hate gays? No. But we detest homosexuality.
POST (homosexuality should not be an accepted norm)
Divorce or abortion which is a taboo in the past had become a norm in today's society. Let us not allow homosexuality to be one too.
POST (don’t present it as hip lifestyle; we don’t have enough babies)
Beware that repealing S377A would encourage those presently on the fringe and those who think it is a hip, fashionable lifestyle to aggravate our already declining local population. It undermines the great effort expended in our current policies of encouraging young couples to have more babies.
POST (pink dollars are not everything)
I hope our govt will not sell out our Asian values and all that is decent for the sake of pink dollars or the pink contribution to the economy. I would rather earn less than see my children beguiled by this rose-tinted alternate lifestyle. Stand straight Singapore!.
POST (Preserve traditional family)
As a father, do you want your child one day to tell you, "This is my to-be-'wife' or 'husband'?" As a nation, do we care for the outcome of the next generation or population? Or do we care for the survivable of the nation when we are faced with the declining growth? As an individual, do we have a clear conscious of what is right and what is wrong? As a teacher, is it right to tell a child at K1 to Secondary school that, a family is maded up of a father-father-child, mother-mother-child relations
POST (starts with false tolerance)
For the future of Singapore and her children, PLEASE keep S377A. I live in the States now (still a proud Singaporean!) and daily, my heart breaks when I see the family unit being attacked. Just yesterday too, I read that a middle school (around P6 to Sec 2) is dishing out condoms and other contraceptives to kids as long as their parents say yes. Bisexual groups are now common in middle schools too. It all starts with a misguided sense of being "tolerant". Please retain S377A.
POST (Look at anatomy)
For the very fact that our anatomy is built such that the man has a penis and a woman has a vagina gives a very clear indication as to what nature intended us to be. And the anus is only for the retention and expulsion of faeces. Please...being more intelligent and able to make decisions doesn't negate us of the fundementals of life. Evolution isn't gonna change anything either.
POST (NMP overstepped role)
Keep 377A, the NMP guy overstepped his role by not thinking of the MAJORITY! We are HUMAN, not animals. We are made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
POST (Twentysomething)
I belong to the younger generation as in im 20 and as much as i am forward thinking and open. I believe that gay sex should be criminalised and although so much has been said. It is still unnatural. The homosexual lifestyle should not be encouraged and the government should continue on its stand that gay sex is not tolerated. Please keep 377A. Thank You.
POST (overseas student)
As an overseas student, I am shock to read this article on the internet that Singapore may legalise homosexuality. I cant imagine returning to my home country and seeing man kissing and marrying man and woman marrying woman. I dont know how to define "family" if homosexuality is legalised. We are already having difficulties with encouraging population growth. If this goes through, the problem will be worse.
POST (Teenager)
Apart from the very fact that permitting homosexuality is going against the laws of various religions, homosexuality is simply eclipses the natural order of the world. Perhaps, the public should be aware that Australia started suffering from a stroke of famine one week after permitting homosexuality. While some may say argue saying that this is simply a coincidence, perhaps, we should not challenge a higher spiritual order that may have control over it. While some say that Singaporeans are now more open-minded and therefore, should accept certain changes in traditional methods, even as a 16 year old, and supposedly expected to follow blindly the way of the world, I beg to differ. While we may modernize ourselves with the latest technology and hottest trends on the runway, there should be a line when concerning the sacred aspect of sexual relationships. While other countries may close an eye towards homosexuality and we all laugh about 'Broke-back Mountain', we all have to admit it is still awkward and weird to actually see an actual homo-relationship going on.