Thursday, June 26, 2008 @ Thursday, June 26, 2008

Your hand is upon mine,
My heart beats frantically.
We lock eyes nervously,
both you and I are trembling with anticipation.
We want each other so much,
But it's so strange.
Strange that you and I are women,
Strange that you and I are but only children.
Push that aside.
I lean forward
And with
We kiss.
This poem is showing 2 human beings acting on their impulse..
What is impulse??
It is a sudden wish or urge that prompts an unpremeditated act or feeling...
How do people get those feeling of impulse...
The impulse to buy an expensive things..the impulse to kiss ur best frenz..the impulse to beat someone just becoz you dun like how they they dress...the Impulse to have sex with a stranger...the impulse to have dog food as lunch...the impulse to hug a kid..etc....
It is actually the due to to the Id urges.
The Id is the center of our desires, wants, and things that we basically have to have.And so Impulse is our drive to get those things...
So back to the main question of the day..
Is it healthy to ignore society’s superego and be myself??
To dance in the middle of a crowded hawker french my beau in the middle of traffic light wear pyjama to jump like a kid in the middle of an important speech..etc...
I remember once when i was in pri 4...
My school discipline master is yanking on and on about the latest discipline system in school...
And i was feeling frustration, anger and moodiness building up deep within me, like a hot boiling couldron waiting to spill its content out...
My impulse aka my id was telling me to stand up and shout some vulgar language across the hall..
But my superego tell me to restraint myself or some disaster will fall upon me..
I was right..coz another guy did just that..and his parent are invited to have a cup of tea with the principle..poor him...but i admire his daring act...^^
Let me push my explaination to a deeper level..
Is is possible for a gay guy to to cast away his gay thoughts and impulses and go into a relationship with the opposite sex??
But only by refraining and forcing himself to only do the heterosexual thing, which he may screw up with his mental health, and end up wrecking his life...
The consequences of controling their impulses....T.T
Sometime, it's alright to act on ur impulse...
Coz when u feel that....u will lost ur sense of fear at tat moment...