Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ Thursday, February 19, 2009
Been using facebook nowasday....
Friendster is kinda out nw..>.<
And I love seeing ppl status...haha..
This is what i found out about the art of status update by a noob
Research suggests that Status Updates fall roughly into four categories.
1. Prosaic, or “what I am doing now,”
(Jill is baking bread).
2. Informative, or “stuff I found somewhere else”
(Jack loves this article from GOOD, followed by URL)
3. Clever and funny
(Johnny thinks Obama should be sworn in a few more times, just to be EXTRA
safe. Janey discovered that Michelle Obama’s wardrobe is a divisive topic in
water aerobics class.)
4.) Poetic or nonsensical
(Josh is watching a parakeet form itself out of ice on the telephone wire;
If Jim were a cloud, he would rain Earl Grey tea).
Most of my peers plus me fall into one bah..
Anyway, I think I ain getting the job at starhub..>.<
First of all, it's too troublesome...
Secondly, It's base on commision without any basic pay...zzz
Thirdly, It's information-overload for me..
I wanna try sth tat is fun, temp and a great experience for me to remember..
I get a response from the lady, saying tat I have been slot in for the temporary book fair sales assistance..
I nv try job fair b4...^^
So, kinda quite new...