My dreams for Singapore
Friday, August 07, 2009 @ Friday, August 07, 2009
1) Take away the rating of NC 16
(Most of the kids are quite mature at the age to think on their own.)
2) Allow people to drink plain water in MRT
(Seriously, I think it's plain stupid to catch people drinking water..plain water..not alcoholic drink)
3) Hoping Singaporean can just take PDA (public display of affection) with a pinch of salt.
(Kissing and hugging are alright...Human are not robot..)
4) Legalise GAY marriage
(even i noe it wun come true, I still wanna dream of it...)
5) Hoping Singaporean can take political humour as something funny to laugh about, not something serious to critque about.
6) Singaporean will accept their local actor and actoressess sexual orientation.
(See Clay Aiken and Adam from American Idol...theirs fan still love them...regardless of everything..)
7) Government will encourage the youths to learn their own dialects....
(Dialects are cool....sigh..but sadly, it dying out soon...rather than learning french and spanish, y not dialect which u can communicate with your grandparents...)
8) Encourage Singaporeans to fly away to find new place to pursuit their dreams
(Too much foreigners finding their dreams here in Singapore, we as Singaporean should follow the trend of finding our dreams elsewhere too...)
9) Hoping people will be more expressive with what they want from the goverment...
(like how the women get into a fierce "fight" with the new
10) Have more babies...
(hahaha..not my idea...I am helping the goverment to say it here..)
The end....